Spring Q&A: What’s the Best Thing and Other Questions

Every so often I look over the search terms from engines like Google and Yahoo that lead people to this blog and turn them into a sort of Q&A. This one is pretty guitar and musical gear heavy but hopefully it’s helpful to someone. (warning, if some of my comments seem like I’m being snarky, it’s because I am 🙂 )

Continue reading “Spring Q&A: What’s the Best Thing and Other Questions”



I started “blogging” over 10 years ago. I think I started on blogspot and it wasn’t anything memorable. Then MySpace came along, and people seemed to connect with things I wrote on their blog feature. After that was all over I kept a personal WordPress blog for a number of years that got little to no traffic outside of a few friends. Then, around 2011, I began to write with growing frequency about worship leading, which at that point been one of my primary areas of ministry for over a decade. More and more I found that my blog had become bipolar, split between random streams of thought and one continual subject: worship leading.

Part of this split personality in my writing was a reaction to my own personal searching. I was looking through other blogs, websites and podcasts, trying to find anyone who was writing about the questions I was asking or the issues I was facing as a worship leader. Sadly, there wasn’t much out there. The resources that are so common now just didn’t exist. It’s not that there weren’t podcasts or websites devoted to the subject, but few to none that spoke to me or my issues.

So in 2012 I created a new blog, solely dedicated to the practical and spiritual elements of leading a church in worship. Almost 4 years and 200 posts later, here we are.

Continue reading “200 POSTS LATER…”